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At UISZ, we recognise that working in partnership with parents is crucial for your child to flourish. We are delighted to welcome Mr. Antoine Ravnich, aparent guest, who volunteered 4 sessions of comics over the next two weeks in Years 3 and 4.

在增城譽德萊國際學校, 我們意識到與家長合作對于孩子們的健康成長非常重要。我們非常高興邀請了我們的家長志愿者Antoine Ravnich先生為我們3,4年級的學生進行4節(jié)的關于漫畫的課程。

Students were fully engaged learning about different types of comics, setting up gutters, speech bubbles, and express movement with stick figures on Tuesday. They will continue to learn how to draw various facial expressions, body movements and actions and postures with a story to go with it of course. Stay tuned for their masterpiece!


This week marked the 100th day of school, and as seen in the photos, students in Early years found many ways to celebrate this event.


Students in TOEFL (year 9 and 10) are studying fashion. They have been learning clothing and style vocabulary and the present continuous grammar point.

9,10年級學習托??荚囌n程的學生們正在學習時裝這個單元。 他們在本周學習了有關衣服以及衣服款式的詞匯,并且在此過程中,老師向?qū)W生們展示了現(xiàn)在進行時的語法點。

They conducted a fashion show in the classroom. The students designed and made clothes for their models (other students) and read out descriptions as they walk down the 'runway'. The clothes were made from materials found in the school.


MYP & DP Chinese B students together with Year 7 Chinese A students went on a Chinese culture field trip in Zengcheng this wek. The students, supervised by Chinese teachers, went to RT-Mart, the local market and a Cantonese restaurant.


At RT-Mart, students used Chinese Language learned from class to perform various tasks.


They also purchased Chinese New Year decorations for primary and secondary classrooms from the local market and helped teachers decorate their rooms.


For lunch, they experienced dim sum in a Cantonese restaurant. Students ordered food in Chinese, made tea by turns and tasted the food they ordered. These activities provided the opportunities for students to explore Chinese food and festival.


Last week the High School Boys 'Basketball team travelled to Hong Kong for the annual ACAMIS tournament. The tournament saw the Cobras compete against six other schools from across China.


Multi day tournaments are extremely demanding physically, you need high levels of fitness to play just one game, over the course of the tournament the team played three days with either two or three games each day. To their credit, the team's energy levels never dropped, not even in the fourth quarter in the third game on day 2!

連日來的錦標賽對于球員的身體素質(zhì)要求非常高。即便在一場比賽中,球員們都需要消耗大量的體能來維持高水平的發(fā)揮,在這次錦標賽的過程中,球員們需要連續(xù)3天,每天進行2 – 3場籃球比賽。值得贊揚的是, 籃球隊的體能維持保持在一個高水平的狀態(tài),即便是到了第2天第3場第4回合的賽程!

The team played some very skilled schools but their coaching shone through as they played excellent defence and operated a team offense. The defence was so good that against a high scoring team they shut them out for 0 points in the third quarter, no other school had achieved that. With the next smallest school at the tournament having twice as many students as us, it was a true credit to see how competitive we were against them. Games were narrowly lost (and won) but always the focus was on improving the team performance.


Off the court the boys were a credit to their school: they made friends in between games, they cheered other teams and they supported each other in the evenings.


The tournament ended with the customary sports banquet. Prizes and presentations are handed out to teams and individuals at this ceremony. A much deserved place in the tournament MVP team went to Alex Zhan who had lead the team's attack at Point Guard and worked tirelessly in defence, I don't think he got any rest time on the bench.


A special mention for our injured player, Frank Xu, who up until his unfortunate ankle injury had been playing excellent basketball, sadly his injury cut his tournament short. The team looks strong for next year with many Year 11's growing in skill and understanding, supported by the skill of those in Years 9 and 10: Frank, Marcelo and Harbor.

在此,我希望特別提到的是我們的受傷球員徐源峰同學,他在這次錦標賽中表現(xiàn)得一直很好,很不幸地,他在一場球賽中不幸腳踝受傷,因此很可惜地,他不得不縮短賽程。隨著多位11年級學生們籃球技術和理解能力的日漸成熟,以及現(xiàn)階段9 ,10年級學生: 徐源峰, Marcelo 和柏航的技術支持,我校的籃球隊伍在明年將會變得更加實力強勁。

With this year’s U2NESCO MUN in the books it is a great time to reflect on the entire process. Planning for this event started ten months ago. With the leadership of Pei E Cheong, Linda Zeng,and Mr. Peebles UISZ hosted the largest Model United Nations (MUN) that UISZ has ever seen in the five-year history of MUN on campus.

今年的由香港聯(lián)合國教科文組織模擬聯(lián)合國會議活動已經(jīng)告了一段落,現(xiàn)在是一個非常好的時機讓我們對于這個活動進行整體的反思。早在10個月之前,我校師生就已經(jīng)開始籌備這次的活動。在張佩怡同學, 曾彥霖同學和Peebles老師的領導下,增城譽德萊國際學校主辦了有史(5年)以來,在校內(nèi)舉辦的最大規(guī)模的一次模擬聯(lián)合國會議。

This year’s MUN saw over 200 delegates from ten different international schools around Southern China attend. There was three days full of fruitful debate over a wide array of topics, ranging from educational topics centered around the promotion of indigenous languages, to more economical topics discussing and evaluating the relationship between development and sovereignty. Students were exposed to a very academic setting that helped them develop English language skills, confidence, and fostered new friendships. All these benefits will serve our students well as they continue to move through UISZ.


An event like U2NESCO would never be possible without strong student leadership. A big thank you to both Pei ECheong, for being this year’s Secretary-General, and Linda Zeng, for being this year’s President Chair. UISZ also had students participating as chairs, which are student leaders within the committees. The chair role is vital to the successful running of a committee and is a great leadership opportunity for our students.


With one more MUN for the year still left there is still an opportunity for our students to improve their MUN skills. If any students are interested in participating in the Southern China Model United Nations, please let Mr. Peebles know.


In boarding, week three has flashed by with joy-filled and action-packed days for our boarding students. The highlight was the MUN Conference in which most of our boarders participated with great fanfare and enthusiasm. Dragon House was, to say the least, filled to the brim. Our year 10 boarders continue to work towards completing personal project drafts and our seniors are ramping up for the Mocks that start next week.


Our primary boarders also continue to make the most of their afternoon and evening opportunities.


The INSPIREd program continues to stir the heart with active problem-solving;


the joy of Robotics which enters its next exciting stage this week;


P4K, which has scaled Everest and, finally, the filming of Macbeth is well and truly scotched.


Time, they say, is a relative concept –joy pulses quickly, pain ebbs slowly. This week has been a blur of challenge and delight.

最后, 當然還有麥克白電影拍攝課程,師生們拍攝得非常順利。


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding any questions or concerns you might have.


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