

| 小龍



1. Shall we go to the cinema? 我們去看電影好嗎?

2. Do you know what’s on tonight? 你知道今天上演什么?

3. May I ask you for a dance? 可以請你跳支舞嗎?

4. With pleasure. 很榮幸。

5. Sorry, I’m engaged. 對不起,我有約在先了。

6. What about another dance? 再跳一曲好嗎?

7. You’re a good dancer. 你舞跳的真好。

8. What’s on Channel 8 now? 現在8頻道播什么節(jié)目?

9. I don’t know. You may look in the TV Guide. 我不知道,你可以看看《電視報》。

10. Let’s see what else is on. 咱們看看有沒有別的節(jié)目。


1. I have an interview this afternoon. 我今天下午有面試。

2. I can come any time except Sunday. 除星期天外我都能來。

3. You can reach me at 6609 你打電話6609823就能找到我。

4. He phoned to cancel the meeting. 他打電話來取消會議。

5. Please call me before you come. 你來之前請打電話。

6. Please make an appointment with my secretary. 請跟我秘書定個見面時間。

7. I have to change my appointment from Monday to Thursday.

8. 我不得不把約會從周一改到周四。

9. What’s your trouble? 你有什么不舒服?

10. How long have you had it? 你得這病多久了?

11. I should say you’ve caught a cold. 我看你感冒了。

12. You need an injection. 你需要打針。

13. Is it serious? 我的病嚴重嗎?

14. Do I need to be hospitalized? 我需要住院嗎?

15. Have you seen the doctor? 你看過醫(yī)生了嗎?

16. What did the doctor say? 醫(yī)生怎么說?

17. Jack is up and about now. 杰克病后復原了。

18. The doctor says that I should take quinine. 醫(yī)生說我應該服用奎寧。

19. What sort of medicine do you take? 你吃的是什么藥?

20. The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily. 醫(yī)生說我不能吃油膩的東西。


1. Yes, please. 是的,麻煩了。

2. Would you answer the phone please? 你能接下電話嗎?

3. I want to make a long distance call. 我想打個長途電話。

4. This is Mary Speaking. 我是瑪麗。

5. Would you tell Mr. Green that I called? 你能告訴格林先生我給他打了個電話嗎?

6. I must have dialed a wrong number. 我一定撥錯號了。

7. I couldn’t get through. 我打不通。

8. I have to hang up now. 我得掛電話了。

9. Would you call back tomorrow? 你能明天回個電話嗎?

10. There’s something wrong with the phone. 電話出了點兒毛病。

11. I tried to call you, but the line was busy. 我試著給你打電話,但老占線。

12. I have received a letter from my cousin. 我收到了我表兄的信。

13. I haven’t heard from him for a long time. 我很久沒有收到他的信了。

14. Send a postcard to me when you arrive in Shanghai. 你到上海以后給我發(fā)張明信片。

15. I put some photographs in the envelope. 我在信里夾了幾張照片。

16. He hasn’t answered my letter yet. 他還沒有給我回信。

17. My mother mailed me a parcel. 我媽給我寄了一個包裹。

18. We keep in touch with each other by Email since he left China. 他離開中國以后,我們用Email保持聯系。

19. Don’t forget to put stamps on your letter. 別忘了貼郵票。

20. How long does it take for a letter to get to America from Beijing? 信從北京到美國要多久?


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